Mad Wolf NFT Airdrop
Mad Wolf NFT Airdrop
May 01, 2023 - May 07, 2023

TNC Art's Pixel Friends NFT collection on the STRMNFT marketplace includes the Mad Wolf NFTs, a unique set of 2,500 NFTs originating from a pixelated world located deep in space. The Mad Wolf NFTs are renowned for their fierce desire to fight, and those who try to get too close to their source of energy risk losing their sanity. With swords embedded in their skulls, the Mad Wolfs possess the ability to consume their opponents and an insatiable thirst for power. These creatures inhabit a low-resolution planet and must travel to other planets to satiate their hunger for dominance and to be reborn. If you collect all four different NFTs from the Pixel Friends Collection, you can receive a mystery box with a high-resolution NFT and $1 - $100 worth of STRM.


Explanation of the Key Terms


NFTs have revolutionized the art world by enabling digital artists to monetize their creations and sell them as one-of-a-kind pieces. They have also found applications in gaming, music, and other industries.


RiseAngle NFT Calendar

As the NFT market continues to grow, it can be challenging to stay informed about upcoming NFT projects. The RiseAngle NFT Calendar is an excellent solution to this problem. The calendar provides a comprehensive overview of upcoming NFT drops on various blockchains, including ETH drops calendar, Polygon drops calendar, and Solana drops calendar. By using the NFT calendar, users can easily plan and prepare for upcoming NFT mint schedules.

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