Apr 20, 2022 - Apr 27, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Medical marijuana and more are covered in this 4,200 Jooint NFT collection!

Creating a true green environment was the inspiration for the creation of Jooints.

There are two things Jooints is interested in: environmental sustainability, as well as cannabis, both for recreational and medicinal use, in order to better understand its role in society.

The goal of Jooints is to provide integration and visibility options for everyone (including you) who is involved in this field. With the help of our efforts and your involvement, it will be possible for our NFT owners to establish a scenario in which guidance, exchanges of opinions, thoughts, ideas, partnerships, and benefits are provided.

In addition, Jooints wants to get into the charity business by giving 10% of its profits to all foundations.

- Our PRE-SALE date is April 20, 2022, at 4:20 PM CEST.

The pre-sale price is set at 0.021 ETH.

- 4:20 PM CEST on April 22, 2022 is our public sale date.

The price for the general public will be 0.042 ETH.

Our route map may be found on both our Discord server and our website! For those interested in cannabis tourism, Jooints is offering a sponsored trip for a couple to an area where the drug is legal. If we buy some land, we'll start a business and offer our services to everyone who owns a Jooints so they can enjoy the benefits for the rest of their lives!

Let's work together to improve our lives!

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