Isekai Meta
Isekai Meta
May 27, 2022 - Jun 03, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

This is a blockchain-based Metaverse brand and a story-driven NFT collection with hand-drawn illustrations.

Because of the close-knit community that the team has built (including you, YES YOU), we've seen steady growth. We can't express our appreciation enough to the members of our community who have put their faith in us since the beginning.

We will use a ticketing system that can be found in the list of support channels to give out Discord invite codes.

Before announcing this, we had taken a snapshot of everyone's Discord IDs. If you have any questions, please open a ticket and the community staff will help.

We've spent some time together on this new globe, and we've established a home here!

But there are always new things to learn and issues to solve in every new realm!

To meet these requirements, we have formed the Duck Guild and are looking for adventurers like you!

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