Apr 03, 2022 - Apr 10, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

There are 11,111 NFTs in IOTAHOLICS to sustain the decentralized network of the IOTA tokens. You may see our current and future projects on our roadmap at This new line will be introduced by Soonaverse. One of the first NFT applications to go live on this platform is IOTAHOLICS, which is part of a pioneering decentralized system.

In only one week, we've built a Twitter following of 400 people, and we intend to keep it expanding. There are 111 NFTs that will be given away to our Twitter followers soon, will you miss it??


Twitter: @iotaholics




The original plan was to produce an IOTA-branded avatar that could be worn as a symbol of support for the IOTA community, its initiatives, and its ideals. After weeks of creative effort, we recognized that we had the beginnings of a series of NFTs with all of our draughts. IOTAHOLICS was born as a result of that journey.

Iotaholics is an NFT PFP that can only be purchased on the Soonaverse platform on the IOTA Tangle network. This initiative was created with the goal of expanding the community and distributing the benefits to the members, both by investing in the future and by providing rewards. Because of the widespread significance of NFTs, as well as the uniqueness of IOTA, we feel this is the ideal time to proceed with our proposal. As early adopters of IOTA, our IOTAHOLICS will be sure to benefit from this technology.

If you'd like to see the short-term goals that we've established, you may see them on the roadmap part of our website. However, as previously said, the most important objective is to contribute to the growth of the IOTA community. For those who have put their money into IOTAHOLICS, we plan to share 50% of the proceeds from the sale of NFTs with those who have placed their trust in us. Once we know how many people are participating and how much money we have to give away, we will hold a raffle to set the rules. The balance of the money will be used for new initiatives, presents and perks for our growing community of Iotaholics.

As a final note, we would like to thank you for being a part of our endeavor. As a last reminder, keep in mind that there is no such thing as yesterday or tomorrow.

Now is the time to get your hands on this:


1) Online networking (DONE)

Create a Twitter account and update it often with new developments.

2) The Soonaverse (DONE)

Create a section on Soonaverse and submit a proposal for consideration.

3) The website (DONE)

Design and develop a website that details the undertaking and provides a timeline.

4) In a nutshell:

Create a Discord group

5) During giveaways on Twitter, 111 Iotaholics will be delivered via Soonaverse.

6) The Pre-Sale

Members of the whitelist will be able to purchase 1,000 Iotaholics.

7) Iotaholics will be sold to 10,000 people on Soonaverse

8) members of the Iotaholics Club Initiate a club for Iotaholics alone.

9) Raffle Half of the NFT sale proceeds will be raffled off among the owners of Iotaholic businesses.

10) Only for members of the Iotaholics club can you get your hands on this limited-edition piece of art!

11) New Task

IOTAHOLICS Girls should be the name of a new NFT project.

· FAQ ·

- What is IOTA TANGLE?

The IOTA Tangle is a distributed ledger technology (DLT) with a unique focus on the Internet of Things (IoT). Tangle, an IOTA project, was made to make fee-free microtransactions possible for the rapidly growing market for Internet of Things (IoT) things.

- What is an IOTAHOLIC?

Those who are IOTAHOLICs are PFP Non-Ferrous Metals. IOTA supporters can use this image as a social media profile photo to show their support for the cryptocurrency.

- Why do I need an IOTAHOLIC?

They're fantastic. Because you're already an Iotaholic, you may use it as your profile image.

- Do anyone know how to make me an IOTHOLIC?

There will be a pre-sale and prizes on Twitter. Soonaverse is where the public sale will take place.

- How much does it cost to become a member of IOTAHOLIC

Pre-sale is 50Mi; the public sale is pending.

- As far as rarity goes, are all IOTAHOLICS the same?

Certain self-proclaimed Iotaphiles may be found with IOTA logos on their walls (headbands, patches, t-shirts, eyes). There is a ten percent chance that you'll see this.

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