Human Evolution Club
Human Evolution Club
May 20, 2022 - May 27, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

The Human Evolution Club is an association of ten thousand cavemen and women. He goes by the name of Fred. Each individual Fred may be found on the Ethereum blockchain and serves as the community's primary means of communication.

You will be rewarded with 100 HEC tokens every day for each Fred's NFT that you have in your wallet in the future if you purchase Fred's NFTs. You will also have the ability to place bets and buy our future NFT collections with HEC tokens.

Every single one of Fred's NFTs is produced by chance and hand-picked with consideration. This primitive guy has discovered the secret to eternal youth, traveled to the tomb of Tutankhamun in the Egyptian pyramids, competed in the first Olympic Games in Ancient Greece, fought in a medieval battle, cruised the Caribbean on the Flying Dutchman, partied at an 80s disco, and vacationed in Dubai, and he is about to embark on his first spaceflight in the search for his own planet! When he does discover it, he will immediately begin colonizing it. It will have its own independent system of support. There will be the possibility for you to acquire HEC tokens, which you will later be able to trade in for real money at some point.

In addition, we are really interested in producing a cartoon that is based on the plot of the Human Evolution Club, but in order to do so, we need your assistance.

If you decide to become one of our members, you will be a part of something much larger.

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