Oct 31, 2022 - Nov 06, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Grimmies is a project that aims to create a safer Web3 for everyone. This is made possible by Webacy, a platform that offers tools and services to protect your crypto assets from unexpected incidents such as hacks, loss of access, or even death. By owning a Grimmie, you become part of a community of responsible and privileged individuals. As a Grimmie owner, you will enjoy early access to Webacy's products and pricing privileges for life. You will also be granted access to an exclusive Discord channel, where you can connect with private experts, security, and product alpha. Additionally, you will have community access to everything that Webacy creates forever. Join the Grimmie community and experience the future of a safer Web3.


Explanation of the Key Terms


Web3, also known as the decentralized web, is a term used to describe the evolution of the internet from a centralized, client-server model to a decentralized, peer-to-peer model. It is a new generation of web technologies that enables users to interact with each other and with applications in a decentralized, trustless manner. Web3 includes technologies such as blockchain, smart contracts, and decentralized storage, which enable the creation of decentralized applications and services that are not controlled by any single entity.


Crypto, also known as cryptocurrency, is a digital or virtual currency that uses encryption techniques to secure and verify transactions and to control the creation of new units. The most well-known crypto is Bitcoin, but there are many other types of cryptos, such as Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ripple. One of the advantages of using crypto is that it allows for secure and decentralized transactions without the need for intermediaries like banks. Crypto is also highly volatile, with its value fluctuating rapidly in response to market trends and news.


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