Ethernal Gates by Arts DAO
Ethernal Gates by Arts DAO
Jun 04, 2022 - Jun 11, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

To get access to the Arts DAO, Kristel Bechara constructed the Ethernal Gates, which is a collection of 2,000 NFTs.

In the Middle East, the largest IRL Web3 community is represented by Arts DAO, a social and investment DAO (a decentralized autonomous organization). Kristel Bechara, an award-winning artist, has created a series of 2000 NFTs for Arts DAO called Ethernal Gates.

When it comes to investing in NFTs, an artist's DAO will go to the top-tier projects (e.g. BAYC and Doodles), but it will also look to the up-and-coming ones (e.g. CloneX) and other DAOs/NFT funds for diversified exposure to the best NFTs.

Ultimately, the portfolio's purpose is to grow in value, and any gains made will be returned to investors.

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