Escaped Alien
Escaped Alien
May 29, 2022 - Jun 05, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

The Exins are the focus of the sci-fi thriller "The Escaped Alien." They were discovered by humans and sent to a research centre in outer space where they were studied extensively. To perform the trials, a team of researchers was sent to a facility called Area 99. However, something unexpected happened: the Area 99 team began to feel guilty. Were they sorry? As time went on, they understood that the entire endeavor was ethically dubious. What's the point of doing research on animals that have done nothing to harm us? The study team decided to come up with a way to release the Exins because it didn't seem right.

In The Escaped Alien, there are 250 NFTs that are aliens. They are all unique in their own way. Personality qualities are manifested in the outward appearance of each Exin. It is instantly apparent that certain Exins have a great deal of imagination when it comes to putting together an outfit. Follow the Exins as they search for a new house!

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