DeForce: DegenPirates's Genesis
DeForce: DegenPirates's Genesis
Aug 22, 2023 - Aug 28, 2023
Marketplace: Magic Eden Magic Eden
Blockchain: Polygon Polygon

DegenPirates is a game lab that produces on-chain Web3 games with instant rewards. We are driven by a mission to ignite excitement in web3 communities across chains.


Explanation of the Key Terms


Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have emerged as the digital phoenix, igniting a paradigm shift in how we perceive, value, and experience creativity. These intricate tokens, fortified by the unalterable foundation of blockchain, transmute art, music, and culture into rare digital artifacts. NFTs propel artists into a realm of direct connection with their audience, allowing brushstrokes, beats, and stories to traverse borders effortlessly. Collectors, in turn, embark on an immersive quest for singular pieces of the digital mosaic, where each NFT encapsulates not just the work, but the emotions, stories, and visions that forged it. As the world of NFTs expands, it opens portals to new dimensions of digital ownership and connection, fusing the technological with the artistic, and rekindling the essence of creativity in the boundless expanse of the virtual canvas.


Web3 emerges as the digital dawn, illuminating a future where the internet transcends its current incarnation. This paradigm shift envisions a decentralized, user-centric digital realm, where individuals are not mere users, but active participants and sovereign owners of their data and experiences. In the realm of Web3, blockchain technology becomes the backbone, enabling secure and transparent interactions, and smart contracts empower self-executing agreements. This transformative evolution beckons a departure from the walled gardens of Web2, promising a landscape where digital identity, privacy, and control are reclaimed, fostering a tapestry of interconnected applications, services, and experiences woven by the collective aspirations of a new digital era.


RiseAngle NFT Calendar

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