Dave's Arcade
Dave's Arcade
Apr 20, 2022 - Apr 27, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Polygon Polygon

An algorithm created 10,000 NFTs in Dave's Arcade. Dave wants to do more than simply make a profit; he wants to make a difference. The goal of this project is to make it easier for people who love NFTs to get involved in the world of NFT creations and purchases.

As a member of the Dave community, you'll be able to take part in Dave's Arcade, receive ETH/NFT incentives, and take part in our play-to-earn minigame!

After he was dragged into a virtual reality arcade, Dave is frantically searching for his way out. There are four video game levels he needs to complete before he can return to his actual life. Dave needs your help to escape!

Level 1: The Underground.

Drop 1: 1,000 NFTs.

When Dave gets stranded in the subterranean, he must begin his journey back to civilization. The pre-sale and the first opportunity to mint Dave will be reserved for members of the VIP list. There are a limited number of spots available, so be sure to join the Discord channel to learn more.

Dave's Arcade, a play-to-win minigame.

The P2E minigames in Dave's arcade will allow players to enhance their characters and earn NFTs. In Dave's Arcade, we'll see how Dave's character changes as he fights to get home with each new drop.

Level 1: The Underground 

Level 2: Mutant World

Level 3: Cyber Dave

Final level

Sign up today for Dave's arcade. It's only the beginning!!

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