Daredvl Founders Club
Daredvl Founders Club
May 21, 2022 - May 28, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Solana Solana

Do you wish to be able to purchase an NFT without CRYPTOCURRENCY?

Do you wish your NFTs to provide access to tangible benefits?

Are you weary of simple paintings with no attachments?

DAREDVL Athletics is a sportswear brand that tries to promote "Beyond Ordinary" athletes that offer the most to the competition.


The clothing firm will sell 200 NFTs with a very unusual concept: holders of the NFTs will be able to take part in the creation of a forthcoming series from beginning to end and will get the apparel they helped develop.

The purchaser of the 1/200 "Founder's Token" will be placed in a group with other sportsmen or investors behind the brand, overseen by CEO Caleb Schuelke, after purchasing the token. The holders will generate a collection concept and take the lead in creating the apparel under the supervision of the DAREDVL team.

After the designs have been completed, they will be made in large quantities, and after that, marketing will be carried out on a massive scale to promote the garments.


Once the designs have been completed, the finalized garment designs will be turned into digital NFTs that can be exchanged for the founder tokens. These NFTs will show the real art of the project because they were made and approved by the holders themselves.


Holders of the NFTs will be eligible for giveaways of clothing, social media marketing opportunities, interviews, giveaways, and model meet and greets, as well as the opportunity to get whitelisted for the sale of the next collection's NFTs. In addition, they will receive the items they designed for a low or no cost.

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