CriptoCraft Exclusive Club
CriptoCraft Exclusive Club
Mar 28, 2022 - Apr 04, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Polygon Polygon

VERY SOON ——> 28/3/2022 Support your favorite cryptocurrency by purchasing this unique polygon collection crypto boyzz A personal compilation of the top 500 cryptocurrencies. The coins are all composed of Minecraft bricks. Every month, 10% of profits will be donated to charity, and 50 new coins will be released.

Floor Prices : 

- Common (500 - 250) = 0.005 ETH

- Epic (249 minus 175) = 0.01 ETH

- Uncommon (174-100) = 0.05 ETH

- Super Rarity (99 - 25) = 0.1 ETH

− (24 - 3) = 0.5 ETH

-Legendary (1 - 2) - 1 ETH 

The floor price will rise by 5% every three months.


9/20/2021 Make the NFT models.

11/4/2021 Create the social media platforms

2/7/2020 Complete the NFT collection 

Complete the NFT collection  Raffle of NFTs among Twitter and Discord users 

Raffle of NFTs among Twitter and Discord users  NFT Collections? 

(TBA) Season 2 

NFT Collections? 


- Support your favorite cryptocurrencies 

- Free NFT for holders and followers 

- Incredible incentives in Season 2 - More utilities (TBA)

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