Cosmic Dynasty
Cosmic Dynasty
Aug 02, 2022 - Aug 09, 2022
Blockchain: Solana Solana

It is our intention to make this Metaverse accessible to everyone who wants to play it. Let's have a look at Mars, as our first creation in the Cosmic Dynasty game. Landowners can now import 3D objects or buy 3D goods from the Cosmic Dynasty marketplace.

The game will be accessible for free with the option to play mini-games for money. Battle Royale, Team Death Match, Search and Destroy and many other famous AAA game variants will be available for just $0.25 cents in SOL in all the game modes. You can play on any of the NFT tiles on the map at any time during a game. Profit sharing for landowners who organize sporting events is made possible as a result of this. If a player is on a team, they will also receive prizes if they win the match. Solana is the only place where prizes may be collected (SOL).

Cosmic Dynasty's future success depends on the tools and blockchain we choose to implement. We need the Unreal Engine 5 game engine to make a game like Cosmic Dynasty. UE5's new features, such as world partition, lumen, and nanite, allow us to achieve some amazing things, just to name a few. For our primary basis, we require a robust, cost-effective and lightning-fast blockchain in addition to a powerful gaming engine. With an average TX cost of $0.00025, Solana is the only blockchain that can meet our needs at this time.

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