Colorful Gen Z
Colorful Gen Z
Apr 14, 2023 - Apr 20, 2023
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

The upcoming release on the OpenSea marketplace showcases a collection of 4444 hand-drawn NFTs depicting crying girls, with each piece symbolizing individual pain. The artist has brought a novel concept to the platform with this emotionally charged series. Generating a collection requires a simple approach to prevent any code-related errors while assembling the pieces. However, the artist behind this project aims to maintain the intricate and visually stunning appearance of a one-of-a-kind NFT. To achieve this, the pieces will be manually assembled, with any errors being corrected by hand. While this process may take longer than usual, it is sure to produce a truly unique and visually captivating collection.


Explanation of the Key Terms


NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are digital assets that represent unique items like artwork, music, and videos. They are verified on a blockchain network, allowing for secure ownership and authenticity of the assets.


RiseAngle NFT Calendar

Looking for a reliable NFT calendar? RiseAngle NFT Calendar is the answer. Our platform features a comprehensive list of upcoming NFT drops, including Ethereum drops calendar, Polygon drops calendar, and SOL drops calendar. With our easy-to-use interface, you can quickly find the NFT mint schedule for your favorite projects and stay ahead of the game.

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