Apr 19, 2022 - Apr 26, 2022
Blockchain: Polygon Polygon

Shadows and mystery surround the Ballistic Freaks experimental weapons program. Some of the world's wealthiest and most elite individuals have formed an organization with an arcane mission that has no allegiances. They only care about pushing the frontiers of ethics, morality, and physiology, and they do so by subjecting their test subjects to grueling, physically and intellectually taxing experiments. See what happens to their participants at the end of the experiment.

If you're expecting a same-day 2x flip, go elsewhere. This is not your typical overhyped project. It is our goal to create a fast-paced 2D PvP game with an emphasis on your enjoyment. In order to win the game, you must eliminate all of your opponents. An airdrop every few seconds will give everyone an enormous increase in firepower (or not).


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