Ariel Stinks (50 Alternative Album Covers to Thrash and Burn)
Ariel Stinks (50 Alternative Album Covers to Thrash and Burn)
Jan 20, 2023 - Jan 26, 2023
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

In 2005, Ariel Pink, an American musician, featured a photo of Jill Miller, an artist, on his "Thrash and Burn" album cover without her consent. The image had the words "Ariel Stinks" inscribed across Miller's forehead, violating her rights and illuminating the exploitation of women's bodies and faces within the creative industry. To confront this issue, Miller has collaborated with artificial intelligence to produce an NFT release, titled "50 Alternative Covers to Thrash and Burn," that expands on the "Ariel Stinks" motif. The collection of fifty covers features Pink associated with repulsive objects, such as germs, skunks, and public toilets, serving as a critique of the commodification of women in the music industry and the capitalist system that supports it. Moreover, the NFT drop symbolizes the contrast between two generations of media production. Ariel Pink, who took part in the "Stop the Steal" rally and is associated with Fox News, represents the older patriarchal media, whereas Miller employs new media and tools to empower women's creativity. The release is planned to be available in January 2023, two years following the insurrection by supporters of Trump on the United States Capitol.


Explanation of the Key Terms


NFT stands for Non-Fungible Token, which is a unique digital asset that is verified on a blockchain network. NFTs can be used to represent anything from digital art to collectibles and sports memorabilia. The blockchain technology used to verify ownership and authenticity of the NFTs makes them highly valuable and sought after in the digital world.


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