Mar 19, 2022 - Mar 26, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

ApeVampires is a group of 6,666 randomly produced NFTs that live on the Ethereum blockchain.

Why should you put money into our project? We will make 3D avatars of all apes in the Metaverse, where we will buy land and work with a gaming company to make a game.

Why did we decide on vampires? This culture is quite popular among the younger (crypto-friendly) generation, and we are the first NFT project to use it.

In the coming months, NFT owners will get a free BLOOD token. There will be no further royalties...

If those aren't enough reasons to buy, take a look at the open-sea floor prices for other Ape collections. Our research shows what customers want.

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