Alien Ape Space Club
Alien Ape Space Club
Apr 20, 2022 - Apr 27, 2022
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

It's the new Bored Ape Yacht Club for those who didn't get in on any of those high-profile initiatives. Individuals may join Alien Apes and engage with clever, like-minded individuals in the cryptocurrency space world by forming a community together. There will only be 1,500 Alien Apes ever. 

Unlike other initiatives that start with 10,000 collections, ours is limited to just 1,500. As a result, we will have an edge over competing collections in terms of rarity and originality. It's a metaphor for small company owners and their never-ending battle with big oligarchies. Bring the torch back to other small company owners that have innovative ideas that can grow into something greater by passing them on. It is our ambition to buy land in the Metaverse and develop a robust community. 

We're not simply concerned about decreasing corruption and greed, but also about making the world a better place to live in. Because of the community fund, future marketing costs may be funded, ensuring that even when the collection is gone, the initiative will continue to draw the attention of the public. Staking and royalties can be included in future projects because of their enhanced functionality and value. For future collections, only Alien Ape members will have access to the Pre-sale and be entitled to purchase the items before the general public.

I was hoping to replace it with this instead.

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