Adania Adventurers
Adania Adventurers
Mar 31, 2022 - Apr 07, 2022
Blockchain: Cardano Cardano

Take a trip to the faraway realm of Adania, the setting for this high fantasy adventure. Battles between humans and other races are commonplace in this realm of orcs, elves, and goblins. Using the Cardano blockchain, we plan to create a series based on the universe of Adania. You may rest assured that no Adania game will ever need you to pay to win. We'll be using a "play to earn" model for all of our games.

Adania Cards and Adania Adventurers are the two components you must be familiar with. As the initial set of NFTs to be utilized in all future games, the Adania Adventurers represent the player's individuality. A competitive dueling trading card game using NFTs for active gaming is what we're calling our initial game, and it will be called Adania Cards. Adania Adventurers sales will be used to help support the development of Adania Cards and other games in the future.

An Adania Adventurers drop is found here.

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