8 Ethereum Club
8 Ethereum Club
Aug 08, 2022 - Aug 15, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

A DeFi-based P2E billiards dapp is being developed. 8192 NFTs are carefully rendered by 3D characteristics in a unique collection.

The Billiards app gives a possibility for enjoyment, an excellent Metaverse experience, and a passive income of 30% by purchasing NFT. Players may compete in 8-ball pool tournaments for special awards using the DeFi system and web3 technologies, which are the games of the future.

In other words, those who own NFT tokens in this dapp game will also own a stake in the firm. Everyone who has an NFT will have their own Meta character. Through competition, we are hoping to introduce web 2.0 gamers into the world of Web 3.0.

Finally, and perhaps most crucially, 8EC grants users unlimited access to the Discord server and its associated community for the rest of their lives.

Join our Discord server and mention NFT Calendar in the general chat to receive a free whitelist position. It would be great if we could meet up!

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