Wolf Pack
Wolf Pack
May 15, 2022 - May 22, 2022
Blockchain: Cardano Cardano

The Wolf Pack community is the inspiration for Wolf Pack, a non-fungible token (NFT) project built on the Cardano blockchain.

Wolves are one of the few animals on Earth that are very smart, have strong emotions, and can feel empathy.

How did everything get started?

Nobody can say for certain...

According to certain urban legends, the moon is said to have become the only source of light on Earth when the sun lost its brilliance as a result of the collision of a massive asteroid. At first, everything kept going as normal, but after a few months, people started talking about werewolves.

The full moon sparked an evolutionary change in the wolves, yet they did not turn into vicious werewolves. Their intentions were not hostile, and they sought to integrate themselves into human society. Nevertheless, humans made it their mission to track them down and conduct tests on them in order to understand how they managed to evolve in such a short amount of time.

The absence of sunlight in humans has been linked to substantial psychological troubles over the course of time, the absence of food has been linked to conflict, and problems with a lack of vitality have also been seen. As a direct result of this, wolves slowly moved from more remote areas to urban ones, where they eventually became the most common and only form of civilization on Earth.

The Wolf Pack currently rules the planet, and its chief Alphas are responsible for guiding the whole of human civilization toward further development. Now, they are growing increasingly human-like, and who can predict what the future holds for humanity?

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