Waaitt nft
Waaitt nft
Jul 01, 2022 - Jul 08, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

WAAITT was developed to connect the NFT community with the music business through the use of a generative set of 2,222 genesis NFTs.

Here are some practical considerations about our approach to this mission:

- We want to be the pioneers in bringing genuine entertainment to the NFT realm, hence the name "Festiverse." We will purchase plots of land in the Metaverse so that we may create our own world where musicians can play for actual holders or paying customers.

- Tokens for $notes may be staked using the NFT, which will be a part of the WAAITT collection. $notes tokens can be used to buy tickets to the Metaverse festival, meet-and-greets with different musicians, and other upcoming events.

We want to be the first Web3 music label with an open and honest line of communication between the label, the artists, and the fans.

Since our ultimate goal is to function as both a web3 firm and a record label, we'd want to give our shareholders a voice in determining the direction of WAAITT. Decisions will be made through the use of voting. Topics for consideration include the lineup for the event; the next artist to be signed to the label; and potential collaborations with other artists.

The door to our social events is wide open and waiting for you!

If you want to make friends and interact with others in the community, sign up now:


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