Trippy Turtles Club
Trippy Turtles Club
Mar 31, 2022 - Apr 07, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Polygon Polygon

Trippy Turtles are on a mission to rule the globe from the depths of the ocean! On the Polygon chain, we have 10,000 unique tripped-out Turtles that we plan to sell for 20 matic each if you're on the whitelist, and 30 matic each if you're not.

In an effort to conserve turtles and clean up the seas, we've formed a Discord community called the Trippy Turtles Club NFT, which is rapidly expanding. TTC NFT holders will have access to future members-only drops as well as a P2E game with stakes and the ability to earn features in the future.

Whitelisted members can begin minting on March 31st, and the rest of the community can begin minting on April 1st.

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