Jul 05, 2022 - Jul 12, 2022
Blockchain: FLOW FLOW

TheMasterPiece is a 33,177,600-pixel, 8K collaborative artwork.

The color and coordinates (X, Y) for each pixel are stored in a separate NFT that exists totally "On-Chain," meaning that no off-chain file systems such as IPFS are required.

A whole community of owners will be able to make contributions to TheMasterPiece and paint it together over time by purchasing and receiving pixels, each of which will be split into 1,024 sectors.

One-fourth of TheMasterPiece will be distributed, and then a marketplace will be launched so that anyone can sell their pixels for whatever they want. Only the Flow decentralized marketplace, which runs on the Flow protocol and Flow smart contracts, can use the Flow token.

This project will make it possible:

  • to make an 8K crypto piece of art that is entirely on-chain.
  • to buy an NFT for ₣0.01 and participate in its painting.
  • to give a Non Fungible Token market the same liquidity as a Fungible Token market.
  • to portray the whole cryptocurrency market as a one-of-a-kind work of art in perpetual progression.

Using the Flow emulator and Cadence, we created our smart contracts. Dapper Labs has confirmed it is safe for mainnet use after it has been tested for months on testnet. A link to our project may be found on the website Flowverse.

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