Robits Club
Robits Club
Apr 04, 2022 - Apr 11, 2022
Blockchain: Cardano Cardano

With (C)NFT integration, revolutionary robot art is being transformed into a (C)PoE game. For the first time in three generations, there will be a decline.

The first generation of Robits reflects the pixelated robots of the 1980s. A total of 4,444 Robits will be available in the drop. These Robits are rudimentary, reminiscent of the early 1980s robots. Some of them even have a sword or a hook in their possession! What the heck? It's possible that it'll be useful at some point...

Robits will travel to the 'future' in the fourth quarter of 2022. With their second drop, Robits 2.00's, in the early 2000s.

These Robits are more contemporary, original, and stylish. As technology advanced in the '00s, the Robits were able to take advantage of this. This means there will only be a total of 2,222 Robits 2.00s. More details will be released at a later date.

We plan to launch our play-to-earn game with CNFT integration in the first quarter of 2023.

Even the Robits don't know what the future holds for them in Gen 3. One thing is for sure: Robits will take the world by storm in 2023!

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