Reincarnate GAN
Reincarnate GAN
Jul 25, 2022 - Aug 01, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Reincarnate is a great way to give your favorite NFTs a second chance at success.

Here's your chance to put your own spin on your preferred PFP or NFT and reap the rewards in our soon-to-launch NFT environment.


Kintsugi, the Japanese technique of fixing broken ceramics with lacquer, gold, silver, or other precious metals, served as an inspiration for Reincarnate.

Select your favorite NFT upon minting, and we'll instantly produce a Reincarnate replica using our taught AI. While we may make use of the artwork from your original NFT, the physical token itself never leaves your possession.

Check out our doxxed crew at; they've done work for Nike, Samsung, Netflix, Coca Cola, and more.

In the future, the Artlink ecosystem will reward you for holding a Reincarnate NFT.

We'll whitelist the first 500 people that join our Discord server.


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