Oct 18, 2023 - Oct 24, 2023
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Landscapes, objects, people, animals, living and dead nature. All this surrounds us every day. How is our real habitat (social, physical) connected with what the media is trying to convey to us? Are their messages relevant?


Explanation of the Key Terms


NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, stand as the digital embodiment of uniqueness and innovation in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. Each NFT is a cryptographic marvel, representing a one-of-a-kind asset or piece of art that's indelibly etched on the blockchain. Beyond their financial implications, NFTs symbolize a profound shift in how we perceive ownership, authenticity, and creativity in the digital age. They empower artists, creators, and collectors, enabling direct connections and novel economic opportunities while reshaping traditional industries like art, music, and gaming. NFTs aren't just tokens; they're the keystones of a burgeoning metaverse, where the tangible and intangible converge, and where the very definition of ownership is being redefined in the 21st century.


RiseAngle NFT Calendar

RiseAngle NFT Calendar makes it effortless for both newcomers and experienced NFT enthusiasts to explore the world of non-fungible tokens. Our NFT drop calendar is a valuable tool for tracking upcoming NFT drops and projects on various blockchain networks.

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