Lazy Eye
Lazy Eye
May 21, 2022 - May 28, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Polygon Polygon

This collection is going to be included in Matic's polygon network.

This project is being produced for two primary purposes, one of which is for the benefit of those individuals who suffer from visual issues but do not have the financial means to seek treatment. As a result, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the appropriate charity.

The second justification is that we want to help all the artists, dancers, musicians, painters, and so on—fulfill their ambitions by launching a massive website and undertaking an enormous endeavor.

If we meet our sales goal of one hundred percent, then it will take place. This collection will be broken up into two seasons, and at the end of each one, there will be 5,000 NFTs, 10,000 NFTs, and 10 or 20 more legendaries. If you want to learn more about the progression of this project, I recommend that you look at the roadmap on the Discord server. I hope you enjoy my project.

This collection was put together by MT Dark, who is a music producer from Bolivia.

This collection does not feature any crypto punks, bored apes, or idle lions in any way, shape, or form. It is an entirely unique assortment that is certain to take your breath away and leave you speechless.

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