Filthy rich fih club
Filthy rich fih club
Mar 26, 2022 - Apr 02, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

My name is Axel, and you may call me that. I'm a 22-year-old business owner. After a four-year stint in the Marine Corps, I've just been released. My admiration for cancer sufferers stems from the fact that I've known folks who have been diagnosed with the disease since I was a child. As a result of my work with a number of prominent hospital administrators, I am scheduled to be featured in local media outlets for a number of events involving children and my artwork. A fashion show in Altspace is also something I'm working on right now. This initiative will include a line of apparel as a byproduct. The NFTs include Easter eggs that determine your real-world and digital tier degree of access. I want to make a dent in the NFT space, earn a lot of money, and use it to do a lot of good for the community. The ability to express myself via my work is a terrific opportunity for me to make a difference and share love and optimism.

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