Exceptional Utility Squad
Exceptional Utility Squad
Mar 01, 2022 - Apr 28, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Polygon Polygon

"Exceptional Utility Squad" NFTs are an innovative way for whitelisting; amazing NFTs with whitelist utility!

"Exceptional Utility Squad" NFTs are beautiful and valuable NFTs on their own, but in addition to that, they can get you a RAM Gen 2 Whitelist.

Currently the squad has two members: "Woof the Mystic" and "RAM the Savior"

You can win NFTs from RiseAngle's Exceptional Utility Squad collection through collab giveaways, meme contests, social contests, and other methods on RiseAngle Discord server. Check RiseAngle Discord server for ways to win "Exceptional Utility Squad" NFTs and how they contribute towards whitelisting for RAM Gen 2 NFT:


See "Exceptional Utility Squad" NFTs on OpenSea:


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