Mar 21, 2022 - Mar 28, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

GOODNEWSFORBADGUYS, an Italian artist most known for his work for Adult Swim, created Dropicall, a collection of vintage mobile phones ranging from flip phones to touchscreens.

Exclusive WHITELIST updates may be found on the Discord server or on Twitter.

21st of March, 2022 – Debut on the Ethereum network

Unique independent art is shown on Mezzanotte's Ethereum blockchain platform, which has been specially selected for this purpose. In Italian, the term "Mezzanotte" refers to midnight. We're only interested in projects that we believe to be of high quality and that we enjoy. A new project in a variety of edition sizes will be released every two to three months.

A minimum of 50% of the mint plus royalties will always be paid to our artists since we believe in them. Let's use smart contracts to benefit artists by being generous, supportive, and loving in our use of the technology.

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