Digi-Carpets Collection
Digi-Carpets Collection
Mar 31, 2022 - Apr 07, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Polygon Polygon

On the Polygon network, there are 666 Persian carpet NFTs called Digi-Carpets (gas free).

As a reward, Digi-Carpet owners will be given a choice of three virtual rooms to decorate with their chosen NFT art (one standard and one luxury), which they may then place on the walls and floors of their rooms.

Discord for owners will be set up so that they may design their virtual space and interact with other lucky people.

The virtual tower will include three distinct sorts of rooms:

NFT picture frames adorn the walls of this room.

2) Six NFT picture frames in the room

3) Ten NFT picture frames in the luxury room

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