Mar 25, 2022 - Apr 01, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Polygon Polygon

Polygon is home to a private collection of 2000 aliens.


MAP OF THE ROAD We develop our work plan (future projects)

10/04/2021: Begin developing NFT models.

05/01/2022: Social network settings and buyer advantages

01/07/2022: Complete the models for the 2000 NFT.

01/07/2022: Create a group of landing pages in OpenSea.

01/23/2022: Begin marketing and freebies on social media platforms such as Twitter.

There will be three distinct categories (BASIC, ADVANCED AND LEGENDARY)

What distinguishes one class from another are the backdrops or the presence of anything unique, such as a pet.


BASIC: 0.005




1) The person who has a basic NFT will be added to the NFT draw list for the next collection. This collection is already in the works, but it will be a surprise for our customers.

2) People who have a basic NFT will be able to buy an NFT from the next series if they want.


1) The individual with an advanced NFT will be placed on the NFT draw list in the following collection immediately. This collection is already in the works, but it will be a mystery to our fans.

2) If the advanced NFT user wants to build her own collection, she can ask us for assistance, and we will share it on our social media channels. (This utility will be available until 2024.)

3) People who have a basic NFT will be able to buy NFTs from the list below.


1) As a reward the owner of a Legendary NFT will get an NFT from the upcoming series.

2) If someone with a renowned NFT wants to produce a collection, she can ask for our assistance, and we will market her series on our social media. (This utility is available till 2024.)

3) Legendary NFT owners will be able to reserve NFTs from the following collection:

4) Legendary NFT owners will be able to reserve NFTs from the following collection. This collection is already in the works, but it will be a surprise for our customers.

Our objective is to develop and get to the level of CryptoPunks or Bored Ape, while constantly keeping our essence in mind and recognizing that the customer not only gets an NFT, but also a piece of our lives and insane ideas. We will sell 100 NFTs every day till we hit the 2,000 mark.

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