Mar 31, 2022 - Apr 07, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Ethereum Ethereum

Auction (where anyone may bid on blue-chip NFTs that we buy through DAO and sell to those who have the CnotePass for bidding) and Gaming/Metaverse are both part of Cnote, a complex initiative powered by the community. Some of the activities that will take place in the Metaverse

1. Events that take place virtually.

2. Make presentations virtually.

3. Customization of the character's appearance.

4. Meetings should be scheduled for the entire team.

5. Put on strong shows.

It has all of CNOTE's features, like free bidding on blue-chip NFTs, access to the CnoteNFT mint, market prediction, and a Metaverse. It's called CnotePass.

Through an auction process, we transfer strong NFTs to Cnotepass holders. The community may also vote on which NFTs should be auctioned.

For those who can't afford to own expensive NFTs, we also offer NFT fractionalization, where we buy bluechips and distribute them among multiple investors.

NFT fractionalization is also available, allowing multiple people to own a bluechip; for instance, a fractional holder of an NFT can now afford a more expensive NFT.

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