Carbon Collectible NFTs - 1st Web3 Carbon Offset
Carbon Collectible NFTs - 1st Web3 Carbon Offset
Apr 23, 2022 - Apr 30, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Polygon Polygon

Also, each of our NFTs comes with five Web3 carbon credits as standard.

Each NFT is given a hectare of our forest through our SatNav App. You may zoom in and observe your specific tree cover using satellite navigation. This improves the credibility of the product's origin and its openness. In addition, we employ satellite imaging, machine learning, and artificial intelligence in our app to circumvent the conventional carbon middlemen, who are both expensive and exclusive to the average person's budget. We can make climate finance more equal and diverse by changing the carbon offset market with Web3.

We also invest a lot of our NFT prices in the local community, with 50% going to projects that use web3 to think of new ways to solve old problems.

Furthermore, we hope you'll check out our video at, sign up for our waitlist at, and join our Discord group at

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