Apr 18, 2022 - Apr 25, 2022
Marketplace: OpenSea OpenSea
Blockchain: Polygon Polygon

There will be 500 Boos! NFTs available on April 18! An exploratory effort by Codecast and Codewranglrz has produced a collection of 10,000 NFTs. As part of our project, Web3 education is being used as a utility. NFT holders will be able to use our Discord server to learn about Web3-related topics such as how to build NFT collections and DApps.

The Polygon blockchain hosts the Boos! NFT collection. The proof-of-stake method was important to us, and we wanted our NFTs to be accessible for the typical user, so we picked Polygon.

The developer community is at the heart of CodeCast, a Vancouver-based start-up. Our innovative software allows users to live-stream tutorials while simultaneously sharing their codebases in a single video player. Our passion is learning and teaching. There has never been a better way for people to learn to code than this.

For Codewranglrz, learning and exploring the Web3 environment was its primary purpose. These resources helped us set up a repository where we can make our instructional materials available to our subscribers.

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