Reach Metaverse Land Sale
Reach Metaverse Land Sale
May 20, 2022 - May 27, 2022
Marketplace: CNFT CNFT
Blockchain: Cardano Cardano
  • Reach is going to sell a lot of land on the Eden continent that is 25,000 acres long.
  • On May 20, the public can bid on the land for sale.
  • On May 18, a 25% discount will be made available to all NFT Condo owners who choose to participate in the presale.
  • The price per acre is 500 ADA.

You have less than 600 minutes remaining to purchase a presale spot, so hurry up and do so if you haven't already!

You'll be able to explore your land using a smartphone, a computer, or a virtual reality headset. By the end of the second quarter, our constructor for your land should be finished.

Different sized portions of land will be offered. Only 20% will have more than three acres, 7% will have five, and 3% will have more than ten acres.

5 distinct types of terrain, each with a unique rarity, will be available in the game. There will be 60% grassland, 20% sandy, 10% beachy, 7% rocky, and just 3% snowy in the land area.

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